Film Factory School of Film & Television has been created by Matthew Lane who has been in the industry for over 30 years and a Location Manager for 23 years. The School is concentrating on people who want to get into the industry via the Location Department or who are already working in this Department but want to understand more about the different roles and their day to day tasks, or have just become a Location Manager and need support and guidance.
How I Can Help You
Each part of the Film Factory School curriculum is purposefully designed to suit you at any stage of your career. From beginner Scout to seasoned Location Manager. We are here to assist you in your career development. Below outlines the current 4 stages we offer. Discover which one is right for you!
* To access one2one, advice for new projects and mentorships, students must have completed the master class.
Beginners to Intermediate. You have access to all seminar videos and online resources.
One2One Zoom Sessions
One2One with Matt Lane. These calls can be for advice regarding your career or current job you are on.
Script & Scouting Advice for New Project
This is suited to a new Location Manager who is taking on a project and wants to have an experienced Location Manager’s advice
Let Matt guide you in this one of a kind mentorship.